
This shop was built by the Equalize Digital team to share our love for web accessibility with the world and demo building a low-code, accessible e-commerce website in WordPress.

Learn how it’s built.

Want to learn how easy (or not) it is to build an accessible WooCommerce website? Attend WordPress Accessibility Meetup on Monday, January 15th.

Close up on a hand resting on a table and holding the bottom of an Accessibility Craft pint glass with beer in it.

Learn more about Equalize Digital.

From accessibility software and services to training and education, we’re your WordPress accessibility partner.

Equalize Digital is a company focused on WordPress accessibility. We build custom websites, do accessibility auditing and remediation, and have a WordPress plugin, Accessibility Checker.

We run the WordPress Accessibility Meetup, and our CEO, Amber Hinds, is a co-lead organizer for the WordPress Accessibility Day Conference.

Like listening to podcasts? Tune in every other Monday as our executive team, Amber, Chris, and Steve, discuss the art of building accessible websites and craft beverages on our podcast, Accessibility Craft.

The Equalize Digital team is made up of enthusiastic accessibility advocates, and we’d love to work with your agency or organization to build a more accessible web.

Paola, Steve, Chris, and Amber wearing matching Equalize Digital polo shirts, standing in front of Equalize Digital banners at an event.

Meet Us

Our team loves meeting WordPress community members on the road and online. Join one of our virtual meetups, or find us on the road and say hi!